Antenatal Care at Thornbrook Surgery
Congratulations on your pregnancy.
The information below will explain how your antenatal care is organised and what to expect at appointments.
At Thornbrook Surgery we aim to offer you support and advice throughout your pregnancy and will do our best to ensure the health and well-being of both you and your baby.
Midwife Zoe Golden
To inform me that you are pregnant it is not necessary to see your GP first. With this leaflet is a Midwife Referral Form for you to complete and leave for me at reception. I am a member of the High Peak Maternity Team which provides maternity care in the area; if I am on holiday another member of the team may contact you.
Once I have received your form I will phone you to arrange a booking appointment. This will normally take place at your home between 8 and 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Some Early Advice
Folic Acid tablets recommended for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy
Vitamin D tablets recommended throughout your pregnancy. Healthy Start vitamins can be bought at your local Sure Start Centre.
Seasonal Flu vaccination is recommended; it will be discussed with you at your first appointment.
Smoking Do you need help to try and stop? We can refer you to Derbyshire Stop Smoking team or you can ring them on 0800 085 2299.
Alcohol is best avoided.
Caffeine intake is best reduced (tea, coffee and cola drinks).
Farms If you live or work on a farm you need to avoid contact with sheep and lambs.
Foods to avoid are soft cheeses (Brie and Stilton), liver and liver products (pate), uncooked or soft cooked eggs, unpasteurised dairy products, shell fish, nuts. Do have a healthy, well balanced diet.
Bleeding If you have any bleeding you need to ring the hospital and ask to be put through to the Early Pregnancy Unit
Screening will be discussed at your booking appointment please see below links for more information: - search for The Pregnancy Book
When we first talk on the phone, I will be asking you which option you have chosen for giving birth (this may need to change as your pregnancy progresses).
Home Birth
This is an option for women with a low risk pregnancy, including many first pregnancies. Giving birth at home is a wonderful experience and medical intervention is less likely. It is possible to hire a birthing pool. One of the High Peak midwives will be responsible for your care during labour and birth and will offer you support and encouragement. If there are any concerns during your labour the midwife will discuss these with you and your birth partner and then liaise with the Consultant Unit of your choice and if necessary transfer you there by ambulance.
Consultant Units
Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport 0161 419 5551
Other Consultant Units are available, some women use St Mary’s in Manchester or Chesterfield Royal Hospital.
Antenatal Appointments
Your booking appointment with your midwife
All your options will be discussed further so don’t worry if it is difficult to choose at the moment. Before this appointment, please read about screening tests for you and your baby in the booklet or on the internet. We will discuss your medical, surgical, obstetric and family history. Your blood pressure will be recorded, a urine sample and blood will be taken with your informed consent. Your dating scan will be arranged. Your husband/partner is welcome to come to any appointment with you. You will be given information about antenatal classes and a hospital tour. This first appointment will take about one and a half hours.
Follow up appointments
Future antenatal appointments will be explained, these will normally take place at Thornbrook Surgery on a Tuesday morning and last about 20 minutes. If you need to see a Consultant this will be discussed and arranged as necessary.